June 27, 2011

The Most Awesome Thing a Toothbrush Can Do

Alright, here we go!

Everything you need

To pull out the bristles simply grasp with your needle-nose pliers  and...

twist until they come free. Use the pin, paperclip, or tweezers (pretty much whichever works for you) to dig out the little metal things holding the bristles in.

Nuke in a pan of warm water for 5 minutes

With a towel start bending you brush/bracelet...

until it looks something like that.

Now put it on your wrist to size it properly. Then drop it in some cold water to harden.

And there you have it.



  1. A regular toothbrush is usually to be used up to 3 months only. After that, you are advised to change it. Instead of throwing it away, though, you can recycle it! Turning it into a bracelet is a fancy idea! It looks cute! People will have to take a second look to recognize that it’s actually a toothbrush handle. :D

  2. Lovely! Those toothbrush handles do make beautiful bracelets. Come to think of it, those can be used as silent reminders about the need to brush your teeth after every meal. What do you think?
